Purchasing process

How do I place an order?

  1. Once on the Landing Page simply select the "Buy Now" option or go at the bottom of the web site in order to fill the order form.
  2. Fill the form with your data. You may also give us a shipping address different from your billing address.
  3. Accept our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use.
  4. Select a payment method. You might be redirected to an external payment service.
  5. You will then receive an email confirming your order.


What payment method can I use for my purchases?
The following payment methods are available: PayPal or Bank Transfer

Why could my credit card be rejected?
The details we request from you must be the same as those on your credit card. A simple typing error can cause the operation to be rejected, so we ask you to complete the payment form carefully. Your credit limit may have been exceeded or the card might have expired. Please contact your bank about any queries you may have about your payment credit card.

May I receive an invoice showing my company name?
Yes. In the Order Form, you can indicate whether the purchase is made for an individual or a company in the free text note. Please provide there all required tax details.


Where can I receive my order?
It can be sent to an address selected by you (home, work, etc. - never a PO Box). Items offered over this Site are available for delivery only to users located in the United States.

Canda $15
Mexico $15
Honk Kong $15
Singapore $15

What is the home delivery process?
We will send you an email confirming that your items have been dispatched (when your order leaves the warehouse) and another one with the tracking number (with a link to the courier's web page).

How much will I pay in delivery charges?
We'll ship your order without charging any Delivery Charges.

How long will my order take to arrive?
Residential address orders that are received by before 1:00 p.m. EST will ship the same day. Otherwise, the orders will ship the next business day. Orders received by during weekends or holidays will ship the next business day Business address orders that are received by before 7:30 a.m. EST will ship the same day. Otherwise, the orders may ship the next business day. Orders received by during weekends or holidays will ship the next business day